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As you've already seen from our special offer, your visitor can upgrade to Master Resell Rights which means they too can sell the products individually! This is a great starting point for anyone looking for sell their own products online! Help introduce others into the world of internet marketing and get paid for it!
What's in it for you?
Quite simply - money! Yes we know it's hard to get started online... finding the right product to promote, waiting for checks to arrive, going through a verification process, having to make a certain amount of sales before a payment release...
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How much money can I make?
How much you make is completely down to how much traffic you can refer. Let's go through some numbers here...
Make 1 sale per day and that's $510 per month! (30 days x $17)
Make 5 sales per day and that's $2550 per month! (5 sales per day x 30 days x $17)
Make 10 sales per day and that's $5100 per month! (10 sales per day x 30 days x $17)
These figures are very achievable with the right attitude and determination and could easily pay for your online (and offline) expenses!
It's fast, it's easy and it's so simple to do! If you have a PayPal account and a will to promote, then you'll be waking up to PayPal notication payments every day! Let's get you started!
Okay sounds good!
What Now?
Here's what you need to do...
Step 1 - Sign up for a PayPal account
If you haven't already done so, get yourself a PayPal account now! It's completely free and once you've done it you can start collecting payments from day 1!
Step 2 - Enter your PayPal email
Simply replace PAYPAL@EMAIL.COM with your PayPal email address into the form below and click submit. This will embed your affiliate link into the copy and paste resources below!
Step 3 - Get your affiliate link
Your affiliate link will be the URL of this website followed by '?e=' and your PayPal email. Like this...
You can test your link now by clicking it. It will open up a new window and you'll be able to see how your link is masked in the address bar. When you scroll to the bottom of the page you'll see your email ID so you know that it's working.
Step 4 - Promote your link
Now it's time to make money and promote your money link! We have emails, blog posts, articles, banners and much more to get you started. Paste a blog post on your blog, submit an article to the article directory, place a banner in your sidebar... make use of all our resources to spread your links far and wide across the web!
Email marketing is still the most effective form of generating traffic on demand and it all starts with building a list. If you have a subscriber list in the internet marketing niche, use the email below to send out a broadcast. Even if you don't, you can start building you list today and still add the follow-up Emails into your auto-responder to ensure you get as much exposure as possible! Please note that these Emails have been formatted to work with Aweber .
*TIME SENSITIVE OFFER* 7 Paid-For Internet Marketing Reports (download link inside...)
re: *TIME SENSITIVE OFFER* 7 Paid-For Internet Marketing Reports (download link inside...)
SUBJECT: re: *TIME SENSITIVE OFFER* 7 Paid-For Internet Marketing Reports (download link inside...)
SUBJECT: re: 7 I.M. Reports Now Available! (save $329, skip the sale page and get directly here...)
SUBJECT: re: Top Quality Paid-For Reports Worth $329 (get instant access to all 7 for limited time...)
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SUBJECT: re: [FREE DOWNLOAD] 7 I.M. Reports $329 Value (covers SEO, traffic, JVs, blogging, and more!...)
SUBJECT: STILL AVAILABLE! 7 Paid-For Internet Marketing Reports $329 Value! (download link inside...)
Hi {!firstname_fix},
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resource if you wanted an introduction into the
world of internet marketing.
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For a limited time you'll be able to get your
hands on 7 PAID-FOR eBooks that cover all the
major aspects of online marketing including...
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These products are currently selling for $47 each
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Save $329 today and visit the link below for more
To your success,
Lesson #1 - Evergreen Marketing Secrets You Can Take To The Bank
SUBJECT: Lesson #1 - Evergreen Marketing Secrets You Can Take To The Bank
Before I get into the heart of this course I want to make sure
you completely understand the direction I'm taking.
I have nothing against giving you specific techniques and
strategies because they are important but they are never more
important than the thought process that went into creating them.
Evergreen marketing secrets refers to the fact that I'm giving
you proven concepts (that never stop working) based on the
nature of the people you sell to. People can change a lot of
things about themselves but their nature isn't usually one of
them. People can go against their nature (for short periods of
time) but rarely can they change it.
In the future you should make a conscious effort to try and
understand why something is done instead of just copying what
you see someone else successfully doing. There's always
something more beneath the surface that you can study and learn
The concepts I'm going to reveal help you to tap into the minds
of the people you want money from.
People will almost never give you their money for your reasons.
What you have to do is show people that you want their money for
the exact same reasons they want to give their money to
somebody/anybody and believe it or not, that's a lot easier to
do than it sounds.
Once you understand how to see what motivates another person,
you can put yourself in position to show them how what you have
to offer will help them do whatever it is they're trying to do.
That's really the only way to get someone's attention.
Don't try to convince people they need what you're selling.
Show them how what you're selling will help them do something
they're already trying to do. That makes your product a natural
fit for what they care about.
People care about themselves first, what they're trying to do,
anyone else who seems to care about them and anything that
appears to be able to help them do more of what they already
want to do.
What I just said will become much clearer as you go through this
course. You will completely understand exactly what to say to
people and how to structure your product offers in a way that's
most attractive to the people you want money from.
Lesson #2 - The Basic Truth About Success
SUBJECT: Lesson #2 - The Basic Truth About Success
I'm about to address one of the biggest obstacles standing in
the way of you making money right now.
Being successful at anything you choose to do requires hard work
and consistency. I know that in the Internet marketing field,
use of those words is a big no-no, but it's the undeniable
Without an understanding that you may have to work for your
success you might think there's some secret formula out there
that's going to magically put money in your pockets simply
because you know it.
Knowing this, I titled this report "Making Money Online for
Newbies" because it implies that everything else is you've been
doing is hard and that I've found some simple "secret" you
aren't aware of.
It was the most direct way to get your attention and I'm not the
only marketer who understands that.
All you have to do is look at how many products you've bought
with the expectation that if you bought it, you would be able to
turn your business around with the "new secrets" you thought you
were going to learn to see I'm telling the truth.
I know you've seen some people who have hit the net full speed
with their first product and had all kinds of crazy success.
Many times it's a fluke and it's not something that person can
ever reproduce because since their first product launch did so
well, they get trapped into thinking that what they did was
easy, forgetting all they time and effort they put into
everything that got them there.
It's easy to get trapped into thinking that success is easy if
you just have the right "knowledge" on your side. That's the big
myth pushed on you by slick marketers who only want to sell you
But the truth of the matter is success doesn't always come easy
even if you know the best "secrets" out there.
Anytime I need money, there are always a few basic concepts I
can rely on that will always produce profits in a short amount
of time without me having to spend any money on advertising.
The only reason I know about these concepts is because I read
pretty much everything I could get my hands on until one day
things just started to make sense, but it wasn't easy to get to
this point.
When I started out I had no money, no business or marketing
background, no support from my family or friends, no computer
knowledge and well, no computer.
That's not the easiest way to start but I didn't care. I wanted
to be my own boss and be in control of my own life as much as
Now, making money online isn't a dream for me anymore simply
because I refused to let anything stand in the way of what I
wanted. It did take me two solid years to start making money
The most important thing I've learned about what it takes to be
successful is that you can't give up. Ever. Success has a way of
waiting until 99.9% of the people who were looking for it give
up in frustration before it decides to show up at your feet.
Lesson #3 - The Easy Way To Find Money
SUBJECT: Lesson #3 - The Easy Way To Find Money
I'm not much of a fan of working hard. I'll do it, but only if I
don't have a choice. That being said, I find myself working
surprisingly hard trying to find the easiest ways to do things
and that's the reason I put this report together.
To save you some of the time and effort I've put into working
hard to be lazy and still make money online.
What I've found is that even though you may know at least as
much as some of your biggest competitors about making money, the
reason you may not bank the kind of sales figures they do has a
lot to do with a massive amount of leverage.
Leverage is when you can put the efforts of 100's or even
1,000's of other people behind you so they can help push you
forward to do things you couldn't do on your own.
Think about it.
When was the last time you got an email from a "guru" about his
latest product and didn't get at least ten other messages from
that "guru's" affiliates telling you about the exact same
Am I telling you to create your own product and start an
affiliate program?
That's too much work.
What I want you to understand is that many of your more
successful competitors understand something that guides most of
the actions they take in business.
What's that?
Why work hard by yourself when you can get other people to work
hard for you as well?
How does that mindset apply to you?
You should never do anything online that doesn't multiply your
efforts on a project even after you stop putting any of your
time and energy into it. Your time is limited to 24 hours in a
day but 100's of people can put thousands of combined hours into
promoting you.
The basic idea...
If someone is running full speed at you, is it easier to stand
your ground and try to stop them when they run into you or get
behind them and push them forward?
Since they're already moving forward, it only makes sense that
you'd have an easier and less painful time pushing them in the
direction they're already headed in.
Lesson #4 - Make You Money Whenever You Want Or Need It
SUBJECT: Lesson #4 - Make You Money Whenever You Want Or Need It
Every person who runs across your site has a secret desire. They
want the benefits of what you're offering, but (here's a
shocker) they really don't want to do much to get those benefits.
The most persuasive and profitable product offers are the ones
that make people feel as though they don't have to do much work
to get all the benefits your letter promises.
In other words if you make your product offers sound too
complicated you'll lose most of the orders you could have had.
I'm saying that you should explain your offer in rather
simplistic terms that don't scare away potential buyers.
You should always look to make your products and services as
pushbutton as you possibly can.
That's especially important with software programs.
No one really cares how your product works. They just want to
know that it does work and how they don't have to do much to get
the benefits your product was promised to deliver.
For the most part people are very insecure about their
abilities. Even when you show them proof that other people have
done exactly what you're showing them how to do... Most people
still hesitate because they don't believe they can do it.
In other words... you need to put together "systems" people can
just plug into and get results from.
Most people don't want to know how to do something. They want
someone who does know how to do something to do it for them so
they can either promote your something as an affiliate or buy
the rights to your something and sell it without having to put
in any real work.
Understand this �
If you have the time and you're willing to do something
constructive you will always be in a position to make money from
people who want the benefits of doing something without actually
having to put in any real work.
That will always be true.
What does that all mean as far as making money?
To continue with my earlier train of thought, I created a
special report that shows you how to take autoresponder courses
you create and get other people to flood those course with
subscribers, but as I've said, people don't want to know how to
do that.
What they actually want is for me or you to create a "system"
where they can buy the rights to an autoresponder course that is
already set up so they can use the technique I outline to get
other people to flood that course with subscribers for them so
they don't really have to do much. They want the benefits of
using the technique without taking any of the time and effort to
learn it and set it up for themselves.
Think about that.
For the most part, people complain about FREE detailed
instructions on something that actually produces results with a
little effort but they would gladly pay $100-$200 or more for a
system that uses the very same technique they could have created
themselves for free.
Some of that is laziness but mostly it's due to the fact that
many people work hard at 9-5 jobs, have a family and other
obligations that take up most of the time they would need to put
various techniques and strategies they learn into action for
Both types of people will gladly pay for something that's
already done for them so if you're willing to put in a little
work for those people you can make as much money as you want.
Some people make obscene amounts of money by doing what I just
talked about. They trade a few weeks worth of work for
$40,000-$50,000+ in bankable profits.
Allen Says of "The Internet Marketing Warriors" wrote something
about it in one of his reports along the lines of �
"Any solution you come up with that makes it easy on people has
a 100% better chance of selling than anything that requires them
to work. The majority of people want things already done, and
they will pay top dollar to have it done for them."
Always keep your brain asking questions. Whenever you learn how
to do something, ask yourself and find out if there's a market
of people who would pay to have that done for them. You might
not always be able to come up with something good but sometimes
you will.
Lesson #5 - The Best Kept Success Secret
SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - The Best Kept Success Secret
It's time you understand that the absolute easiest and most
profitable way to get things done in business is to get help.
It's all about the contacts you make.
Trying to make it alone and fighting against the odds is what
you've been taught, but it's wrong. You need help.
How often do you take the time to build relationships online?
The answer to that question will determine how far you get.
I constantly search out new friends and business associates
because I know that there will come a time when I will need or
want their help and vice versa.
When you actively seek out relationships with others in your
market you automatically open yourself up to opportunities that
the average businessperson would easily miss because they're out
of the loop.
There are a lot of products I didn't have to buy because their
creators who happen to be friends of mine gave me access so that
I could help them with any design and marketing strategy
questions they had. I have over 15 gigs worth of various digital
products I got free.
This also puts me in a position to work with these same
marketers on future projects, which is always a good position to
be in.
Joint Ventures are extremely easy to get going because I can
always contact the people I've worked with in the past to do
more deals. Having to constantly search out new people to work
with costs you time that you could have been using to make money.
Setting up joint ventures is just a simple matter of sending out
a few emails to people who are already used to hearing from me.
There are many services that others routinely pay for that I get
for free or at a deeply discounted price because of the contacts
I've established over the years.
That's why they'll sometimes perform services for me without the
need for money exchanging hands. They know that when my area of
expertise is needed... I'll gladly help.
The right relationships mean more money. Having contacts just
for the sake of having them is worthless. You need to make the
*right* contacts. You need to build relationships with people
who can help you get to where you want to be.
But... in order to do that you must have something valuable to
offer in return. There's only so much a friend will help you do.
You will need to offer a valuable service in return for the one
you want from your contact. That's just the way it works.
If you don't have the money to get things done then you need to
get creative. You don't have to do everything yourself. Search
for people who know how to do what you want done and strike up a
conversation with them.
There are actually people out there who love to create products,
but don't care too much for marketing and people who love
marketing and don't care much for creating products.
There are things that you do that other people either don't know
how to or care to do on their own. This is where you step in and
form a mutually beneficial relationship.
An added benefit of making the *right* contacts is that even if
you can't find someone to do what you need done for free, some
of your contacts will know where to get quality work done
through "hidden" channels at prices not revealed to just anyone.
You have to be on the "inside" to get this kind of info.
You've got to get it out of your head that everyone is your
competitor because competition is not really an issue once you
understand that if you're willing to go above and beyond what
everyone else is willing to do for their customers, competition
is extremely light.
Bottom line: Once you have good contacts in place you can easily
get projects off the ground while those who are trying to do
everything themselves struggle for months if not years.
It's the difference between having to spend $1,000 to get
something done and having your contacts offer to do the exact
same work for almost nothing. I guess it really comes down to
one question... "Do you want to put yourself ahead of the
Lesson #6 - Don't Bury This Knowledge!
SUBJECT: Lesson #6 - Don't Bury This Knowledge!
I made that mistake for so many years.
Accumulating things can get to be a habit that gets in the way
of you learning from what you have and taking action on it.
How much stuff do you already have buried on your hard drive
collecting cyber dust never again to see the light of day? You
probably can't even begin to tell me because collecting and
forgetting is an easy and extremely unprofitable thing to do.
I can promise you with 100% certainty that if you don't do
anything with the information in this report then it won't help
you one little bit. However, if you're the kind of person I
think you are, you realize what you now have in front of you.
You have an opportunity to clear your head and regain your
focus, but only if you're willing to put consistent effort
towards the right things.
What Are The Right Things?
LEVERAGE - Letting other people help you multiply your efforts
on any project you create. Never create a project that other
people can't help you promote. It just doesn't make sense to do
everything on your own when 100's of other people can pour
thousands of combined hours into building your business for you.
Have a clear picture in mind ahead of time and incorporate other
people and what you need them to do into your overall strategy
before you begin. Have a plan to reach your destination.
HITCH-A-RIDE - Look at what other people are doing and think of
ways you can profit by helping them do more of it. Nobody cares
about what you want unless it happens to coincide with what they
want. Stop standing in people's way and instead "push them"
towards the goals they're trying to reach.
And stop falling at the feet of "gurus" waiting for them to
throw out their leftover "scraps". Pay more attention to what
they do and a little less to what they say because intentional
or not, a lot of what they say has nothing to do with what they
actually do.
Sure they may use the techniques and specific strategies they
give you but they're also operating with a bigger picture in
mind that they either can't articulate because they don't fully
realize what they're doing or simply won't tell the masses.
You are your own leader.
Look to others for guidance but to yourself for the final word
on what you should and shouldn't do!
Email And Forum Signatures
Signatures are simple yet highly effective. They get the message across and get people clicking and you can have then appended to any email or forum profile! If you're an active email marketer it's worth adding a signature to your settings so your affiliate link will be exposed with every promotional email you send out.
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Forum Posts And Replies
Most forums allow you to add a signature to your profile. Use the signatures from the previous step and then start socializing and interacting in the forums. Most blogs also allow you to leave URL links in their comments. Below are some pre-written blog and forum comments for socializing to help get you started. Be original, add your own words to the comment and try help others out. It's not just the people within the post or thread you're helping but everyone who will look in that post in the future and you'll get more views to your signature that way!
Thanks for the great post! I visit this site now and again and always find something useful!
I couldn't agree more. Things like this shouldn't be taken for granted. Thanks again for a useful post!
Such an interesting read. I've bookmarked this page because I will have to come back to it at a later date.
This is one of the reasons why I browse this forum. There's always a good thread going - despite the fact there are a few individuals who spoil the mood...
I was thinking the same thing! Great minds think alike! Let's hope everything else agrees with what you're saying... you've got my approval!
List of 'make money' related forums!
5 Star Affiliate Programs - Affiliate marketing forums
Abestweb - Affiliate marketing forums
Acorn Domains - Buy and sell UK domain names and discussion forum
Adult Webmaster Info - Adult webmaster resources and forums
Affiliate Seeking - Lists of the best affiliate programs and discussion online
Affiliates 4U - UK affiliate marketing forum
Blogger Forum - Forum for blog developers
Blogger Talk - Forum for bloggers, webmasters, and programmers
Business Forum - Forum for online and offline business owners and moneymakers
Business Forum - Online business forum for online moneymakes
BZ Image - Webdesign, webmaster, and programmers forums
Capital Theory - Website monetization forum
Clickbank Success - Community forum for Clickbank users
Clicks - General Internet marketing forum
Code4gold - Affiliate, Entrepreneur, and moneymaking forums
Daniweb - Programming and webmaster forum
David Castle - UK SEO and Internet Marketing Forums
Ddboard - Independent domain discussion board
Digitalpoint - Largest webmaster forums
Directory Junction - Webmaster forum
Discuss Names - Afternic domain name forum
DN Forum - Domain sales, domain forum, domain appraisals
DN Lodge - Webmaster and domain forums
Domain Name Forums - Domain forum and marketplace
Dream Team Money - Webmaster and moneymaking forums
Ewealth - Internet marketing and webmaster forum
Free Web Space - Webhosting and web administration forum
Geek Village - Moneymaking forums with CPA programs
Global Gold Talk - Online moneymaking forums
Goldage - Webmaster ans general moneymaking forum
Golden Talk - Moneymaking and High Yield Investment Forum
Golden Talk - One an active HYIP and moneymaking forum
GPT Boycott - Get-paid-to programs forum
HTML Forums - Webmaster and HTML help forum
IDN Forum - Domain name forums
Im4newbies - Internet marketing discussion forum
IQ 69 - Mainstream webmaster forum
Iwebtool - SEO, webmaster, and domain discussion
Money Fan Club - Online moneymaking forums
Money Maker Group - High Yield Investment and moneymaking forums
Namepros - Domain and webmaster forums
Ozzu Forum - Webmaster forum
PhpBB Forum - PhpBB webmaster and developers forum
Pinoy Money Talk - Moneymaking and webmaster forum for Filipinos (in English)
Rolclucb - General moneymaking forums
SE Rountable - Search Engine and SEO forum
SEO Australia - Australian SEO Forum
SEO Chat - SEO discussion forum
SEO Forum - Search Engine Optimists
SEO Guy - Search engine optimization forum
Simple Machines - SMF support and developers forum
Site Owners - Forum for all site owners and webmasters
Site Point - Biggest and most respected programmers and webmasters forum
Small Business Forum - Online business discussion
Submit Express - Search Engine forums
Talk Freelance - Freelance webmasters and programmers forums
Talkgold - HYIP and moneymaking forum
The Admin Zone - Resource for owners and administrators of online communities
The Free Ad Forum - Largest advertising forum
The Green Nation - High Yield Investment and moneymaking forums
The HYIP Forum - High yield investment forum
TRI PHP - Webmaster community forum (membership required)
V7N Forum - Webmaster community forum
W3 SEO - Webmaster Forum
WAHM Forum - Working mom forum
HOT! Warrior Forum - The best Internet Marketing forum
Web Developer - Webmaster and programming forum
Web Dignity - Webmaster directories and seo forum
Web Icy - Webmaster Community
Web Life - We business portal forum
Webcosmo Forum - New and rapidl growing webmaster forum
Webdesign Forums - Web development and webdesign forum
Webhosting Canada - Canadian hosting forum
Webhosting Talk - Webhosting community discussion
Webmaster Forum Online - Webmasters and programmers development forum
Webmaster Talk - General webmaster forum
Webprowordl - Webmaster, SEO, and programming forum
Webtalkforum - Webmaster and SEO Forum
Investdad - Hyip And Make Money Online Forum
Exchangemoneyforum - Hyip, Exchange money and Make Money Forum
Money Making Kingdom - Making Money Online Forum
Tip! You can type in 'make money' +forum to find many more forums to interactive in. You will also find many high ranking blogs that allow you to post comments - use this as an opportunity to provide interesting and comments whilst adding your affiliate link in the post.
Twitter Tweets
Twitter is a form of blogging on a micro scale (140 characters per message) and is becoming ever more popular and is a great way of getting free traffic. If you haven't already got an account with Twitter you can sign up here - it's free! Then after logging in, simply click any of the Tweet messages below and they'll be automatically added to your account.
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Stop paying for information - found 7 free internet marketing eBooks here...
Social Bookmarks
Social bookmarking is a powerful tool to get your affiliate links exposed however going through all of those social bookmarking sites is very time-consuming and downloading all the toolbars is madness. That's where SocialMarker comes in, the free service designed to reduce the time and effort needed to socially bookmark a website. It can help you spread a link on 50 of the best social bookmarking sites in under 15 minutes!
To start submitting your affiliate links to over 15 sites automatically, simply use the pre-filled Bookmark details below and copy them to SocialMarker .
Tip! Be original! It's worth customizing or adding your own title and description so that the same bookmarks are not being sent by different people. It is recommended that you boomark your cloaked affiliate link, your social sites, submitted articles and even pages within your website or blog!
Articles And Blog Posts
Articles are a great way for building links back to your site. It works by submitting free article content to networks, who then in turn share your content with other webmasters so they can copy and paste it to their website.
With each article you submit you're allowed to provide an author biography. This is your chance to leave a strong call-to-action so anyone reading your article is included to check out your link (cloaked affiliate link).
For great long term results, you should write your own unique article content or hire someone on sites like Elance to do it for you. To get started simply select an article below and submit it to one or several article directories.
The REAL TRUTH About Gurus
The REAL TRUTH About Gurus
Most marketers are lost in the fog of information overload. Because of this, they eventually are lured by a guru claiming to have all the answers to their marketing woes.
The guru also promises you can make a fortune by just following their advice.
Of course that advice comes with a hefty price tag.
So what is the truth? It is a land of smoke and mirrors, a carnival of lies that is directed at you for the sole purpose of taking your MONEY
Don't kid yourself here. Most gurus want to turn YOU into their affiliate machine, recurring ATM and USE YOU for their traffic regardless of what most promise to teach you.
Some gurus are actually SETTING YOU UP TO FAIL! They know that the MORE you fail, the more you will SPEND out of sheer frustration.
You will be given just enough information to get your interest up and then you will be asked to spend more money on the latest shiny fad the guru has.
Yet the REAL TRUTH is that many of these gurus laugh at you as being too stupid to know any better.
How Do I Know This?
Recently I attended an internet marketing seminar and actually heard some of the biggest names (you would recognize) discuss the best ways to relieve you of your money and return little or no value.
I actually heard someone say this: "Sucker punch them with a new lifestyle, dazzle them with ideas and dreams that you and I know they will never achieve, make them believe in all of this and then go for the juggler and wallet!"
Yes, YOU are being LIED TO by most of the top gurus.
I wanted you to really let this sink in because until you get this you will spend more money than a drunken sailor on leave in a foreign port.
The Same Is True Of Most Of The "Free Traffic Generation" Gurus
The gurus love the traffic niche as it appeals to almost everybody who wants to make a living online. Incidentally, people who do not understand how to generate traffic are usually clueless about marketing strategies.
Newbie's are the guru's favorite target . . .
Some of these gurus were well intentioned (at one point) and had great ideas for building traffic but they learned it was just easier to resell crappy traffic, almost worthless programs for making traffic and marketing courses for unsuspecting folks for easy money.
Don't be a victim in this game, make sure you get the right knowledge from the start...
The TOP All Time Traffic Scams - Traffic Exchanges
The TOP All Time Traffic Scams - Traffic Exchanges
If you ever wanted to be a hamster on a wheel then feel free to join one of the many traffic exchanges that exist online.
What amazes me is that many people still love traffic exchanges despite the fact that very little of their traffic ever converts into anything of value.
Exchanges look flashy, colorful and it always appears like there is a whole lot going on from a marketing perspective that can benefit you.
I have seen people devoting hours each day "clicking" like mad to earn credits and what is equally ridiculous about this is that on the other side of the computer are equally desperate marketers clicking as fast as they can to do the same.
Many of the top exchanges even have incorporated a social aspect and other related MLM like services to keep you interested and yes, clicking like crazy; OR investing your money to sell your site views to others who are frantically clicking.
The problem is, NOBODY is actually LOOKING at anyone else's offers and the truth is these services are only great if you OWN the traffic exchange.
While traffic exchanges can and do send traffic to your site(s) most people discredit the psychology behind what makes traffic exchanges tick.
People believe that they are getting good quality traffic and earning visits by clicking and visiting other sites; yet most people are clicking like mad and never STOP look or engage ANY of the ads / sites that are displayed because there is no incentive to do so!
The few marketers that understand this make sure their site IMMEDIATELY GRABS the attention of visitors because you have just a few seconds to say something that will break the "clicking trance" most people are under.
Traffic exchanges work well by taking advantage of newbie's. They are duped to buying traffic, signing up to lots of offers and eventually they come to the realization that NOBODY CARES about their site(s)!
People will leave as soon as the timer allows them to (clicks are timer driven so you must stay on the current site for at least a few seconds, but the name of the game is to rack up lots of credits, so that is what people do).
If you doubt this give it a try and look at your logs for traffic stats and see how long the typical visitor from a traffic exchange stays on your site.
I guarantee you, 99% of the time; it's no longer than the timer on the exchange.
Anyone who has been on a traffic exchange for any length of time eventually figures out that this kind of traffic usually does not work to converting buyers, at least not directly. Most marketers use splash or squeeze pages and offer something to try to entice people to opt in to their offer.
Where is the REAL gold? Additional TRAFFIC offers! Think about it. Why are people on the exchange in the first place? They want traffic to their sites. So what is a good way to work the traffic sites? Make a page that promotes the exchanges with your referral ID. Here is a good example of leveraging multiple sites and rankings (cleverly disguised) this has referral ID's in each of the major traffic exchanges in it.
Since most people in a traffic exchange are curious about other ones, this works well to drive sign ups and eventually make you money and more traffic credits. You can run this page on multiple sites as well and benefit from the people looking for more traffic exchanges:
Bottom Line?
If you love traffic exchanges then find a way to sell traffic, refer other exchanges or just buy your own traffic exchange.
At least you will have a captive audience to market your clicks and other related offers to. This is the real and only reason traffic exchanges exist regardless of the crap you are told.
Don't be a victim in this game, make sure you get the right knowledge from the start...
Ad Swaps, Solo Ads and Mailing Lists... BEWARE!
Ad Swaps, Solo Ads and Mailing Lists... BEWARE!
Many people have discovered they can build a business selling ads in the form of mailings if they have a good size list to offer.
At first glance, this seems to be a great way to build traffic; pay a little money get a guru to do a mailing for you to their list.
You can make money selling your products and even grow your own mailing list at the same time.
While this is very possible, beware. Here are the caveats:
Scam #1 - Freebie Lists
You will probably see clicks and signups but many of these scammers build huge lists of freebie seekers (lowest class of marketing segment) and then resell these "Solo Ads" to people. They promise so many open clicks for your email and usually you can get some sign ups too. The problem is that the real value is to a marketer's BUYER list. It is easy to get freebie seekers to sign up but many of these people will not buy anything.
Scam #2 - All Signups From One Place
Be careful with deals from overseas areas. You will get sign ups to your offer but they are all seem to be from one place! More than likely the people you just signed up are sitting in "overseas sweat shops" and are paid a few pennies every time they join a list or do something related to this.
Be wary of overseas list sharing or paid ads and if you see signups coming all from one IP address or geographical location, odds are you have been had and never do business with these people again.
This has become big business and unsuspecting marketers, even the big names, fall for this scam all the time! The scammers are getting better with this scam as they are using software that rotates their IP's or multiple proxies to cover their tracks.
If you do decide to try this make sure you do your homework on who is selling / swapping a list to. Look for reviews and reputable places where other marketers have reported on the success of the list they ran their ad with.
Good marketers will make this information available if they are selling ads.
If you get a reputable ad swap or buy keep in mind that you should consider removing the double opt in.
I realize some people will say this is a risk when it comes to the spam laws but the double opt in will greatly reduce your sign ups during the ad run.
Also make sure your offer for your mailing list is a really GOOD offer. It should be a good product or service that has real value.
Another factor to watch is your opt outs. If you get sign ups then a few days or week later you get a bunch of un-subscribers, either your offer sucks or again you have been taken to the cleaners.
Don't be a victim in this game, make sure you get the right knowledge from the start...
Blast It Ads, FFA's And Your Ad to Millions
Blast It Ads, FFA's And Your Ad to Millions
You are told for a fee (or your email) you can blast an ad to MILLIONS of places that will explode your traffic, sales and help your lists grow.
What you are NOT told is that these free for all sites (called FFA's) simply place your ad on some buried low value website page by a bot and your ad will NEVER be seen by anyone.
Sure your ad will be either sent to or posted to millions of these kinds of sites - yet if no human ever sees these ads . . . what good are they?
People set up these kinds of sites for one reason; to be able to send you SPAM! When you sign up to have your ad posted you agree to receive email notifications about your ad status, which seems reasonable.
Marketers will send you repeated confirmations about your ad (your ad is live, your ad is now on page 5 please bump it up back to page 1, your ad is no longer showing please refresh your ad) and of course promote all kinds of crap to you in the process with riders on the emails they send you.
You can expect OCEANS of spam mail and remember most of these ads eventually roll off these sites so you will need to re post over and over. Still what is the use? If only bots (and maybe you) see your ad what good is it? FFA's (free for all sites) have no value to you UNLESS you own one and turn the tables on these gurus.
Don't be a victim in this game, make sure you get the right knowledge from the start...
Free Viral Traffic Scams
Free Viral Traffic Scams
Most are unworkable or just feed your emails to a list that someone will try to sell you crap - and of course you will be stuck promoting other people's product(s) first before you see any real traffic or forced to "upgrade" to the paid version to make it work.
I have seen this variation in all kinds of marketing. In general you are told your URL will go viral and you add your website to a list of say 5 other people who have done the same. Now go somewhere and send this to some people and they will do the same causing your ad / URL to be seen by millions . . .
This seems probable and the math makes sense; but the real issue here is human nature - the focus of this tool is supposed to be to get people to look at your site. The problem is just like the traffic exchange, or FFA page issue; NOBODY cares about you or your business unless you give them a really good reason to do so and they only care about their success, thus there is no motivation to seriously consider visiting your site and using your offer!
So again this fails miserably as people are only concerned with themselves and do not care about your success. The best viral traffic offers that seem to have some promise always include a what's in it for me aspect but it is the ORIGINATOR of this program that gets the real traffic benefit not the people who add their and push this to other people.
Again you need to be the CREATOR of a viral traffic idea and make part of this page dedicated to something you know these people can benefit immediately from or this will not work.
Don't be a victim in this game, make sure you get the right knowledge from the start...
Traffic Getting Software
Traffic Getting Software
Almost daily there are the latest "secret release" about how some dude struck it rich because they uncovered the latest "plugin" or freak algorithmic discovery software, or how some underground internet marketer from Russia broke the traffic code . . . that allows you to hack the internet and drive tons of traffic to your website with the push of a button.
In the many years of marketing products online I have never seen anything software based that works like these ridiculous claims say.
The ads these guru's run make this stuff sound cool and sleek and how fortunate you are to have found this software and how this can't stay on the market long to protect the product so you had better sign up or else miss out.
Don't be FOOLED! I guarantee you it is pure bullshit. If you take the time to do your homework you will discover that these kinds of scams set up shop, rip people off and vanish.
I have seen this scam done so many times it really shocking to me how many people fall for this. Nine times out of ten the software they push is some rip-off of free or shareware with a few tweaks a programmer was paid to make from Odesk for 50 bucks and will never work as shown.
NO software can generate the kind of traffic you need, not without a human component. Sorry. It's just a fact at least at the moment.
There are legitimate software offers that can help you generate traffic, but nine times out of ten you can only partially automate the process. Perhaps someday there really will be a "magic bullet" software but don't bet on it.
Don't be a victim in this game, make sure you get the right knowledge from the start...
Guaranteed Traffic?
Guaranteed Traffic?
It has been my experience that almost all "guaranteed traffic" sites are little more than frauds. You pay money and they deliver supposedly high quality traffic and you just sit back and make money.
Yeah right.
Here are some of the ways they rip you off;
1. Pop under's that are annoyances and are usually blocked (and hardly visible if they are not) and people click off immediately (but counted as legitimate traffic to you by these places)
2. Bots visiting your site every few minutes (no human) until your "traffic" is delivered and your hit counter or analytics record it
3. Overseas sweat shops that sell clicks (dozens of people sitting in a room in China clicking on ads that have no intention or even the money to buy anything from you even if they wanted to)
These can be easy to spot as you will see traffic all from the same IP address. More complex scams have software that rotates their proxies and IP addresses.
Spotting them also works by having a look at your weblogs. Your average visitor will stay at the page for sometime before closing it. So have a look at your logs and see how long people are staying. Take your average user and weigh that against some of the more suspicious ones.
Keep in mind that bots such as Google or Yahoo will identify themselves very clearly in your logs and might have a short visit period. The unique visitor that stays say 5 seconds and seems to stay only 5 seconds visit after visit is most likely part of a scam.
NEVER pay for traffic except possibly for legitimate and proven media buys or other reliable tried and true sources.
Don't be a victim in this game, make sure you get the right knowledge from the start...
The Path to REAL Workable Traffic
The Path to REAL Workable Traffic
I'm sure the you are aware or have at least heard that some of the top traffic strategies like: article marketing, article writing, article submissions, pay per click advertising, media buys, blogging and of course SEO.
I do agree that many of these techniques can be properly used and marketing funnels set up to make them very effective. In fact you should focus on these as they are all real and 100% legitimate.
The problem is that in order to really make any of these techniques to work well for you, you MUST become knowledgeable in that specific kind of traffic generation technique; something FEW people want to do or have the time to invest doing.
Each has pitfalls, can cost you either gobs of time or countless hours often with crappy results initially because many people do not understand that these "traffic" methods are actually an investment in time versus eventual payout.
You must specialize, practice, fail repeatedly and in the case of pay per click spend a fortune before you finally reduce the learning curve sufficiently so that you can begin to have proper conversions.
In addition simply driving traffic to something is USELESS unless you have a method designed to CONVERT buyers from tire kickers.
The gurus will sell you fancy high packaged "courses" on how to generate traffic - but all of these methods OMIT one truth or gloss over it - unless you can devote FULL TIME to these techniques you are probably wasting your time or will only see minimal results.
The question is do you have a LIFE? The TRUTH is that most people FAIL with these techniques or give up way too soon because they DO have a life and it isn't marketing for 10 hours a day as they have no guidance.
Don't be a victim in this game, make sure you get the right knowledge from the start...
Proven Blueprint - Making Money Online
Proven Blueprint - Making Money Online
The gurus want to highly complicate things, make extended courses that you have to buy for big money and keep you hooked for years paying them a fortune. Below is honestly all you need to know and DO to be wildly successful and the blueprint below has made millionaires over and over:
1. Find a big problem in a niche and solve it in a way that they want to pay for and need to pay specifically YOU. Now begin research on how you can create this product and then test it to ensure it works to solve the problem quickly and efficiently.
2. Test your product by visiting niche hangouts, getting people involved in using the product and collect testimonials. Audio and video testimonials are best. Make sure you show other people having the problem solved and how happy they are because of it.
3. Now Make Your offer interesting, powerful and compelling and prove to people that you really can help them regardless of they are clueless. Tell a powerful story, use humor and truth. Make your offer something people truly want to buy not what YOU want to sell them (ask them, hang out in forums to see what they want and craft your product to deliver what your niche wants).
4. You need HIGH quality BUYING traffic from that EXACT Niche One of the fastest ways to get traffic is to buy a solo ad from someone that has a mailing list in your niche (remember the site and setting a really compelling offer that creates a desire to want them to upgrade to your product. Seriously - this is the single fastest way next to pay per click for driving people to your offer.
5. Pre-sell your traffic A pre sell tells a story and adds an expectation that is then proven. The prospects can follow up by going to your main sales page from that point ready to buy, but remember that to actually SELL something you need to speak the niche's language and explain why they need to consider buying from you. Never send people directly to a sales page, first get them to want to buy with a compelling story that to the sales page.
6. Well written sales page One way to ensure your success is to have help writing your sales copy on your main sales page. Either you can learn to do this or you can visit many of the top internet marketing forums and pay someone to help you. It is well worth a few hundred dollars to get a top copywriter to help here.
7. Add A Backend Way To Make Money Most offers have a complete marketing funnel. Many products even lose money up front but later make money because the value of a buying person on your mailing list is worth a fortune if handled correctly. You can promote a whole series of related products so keep this in mind when you build your marketing.
8. Build Your Mailing List And Create More Offers Remember to segregate your buying list from the rest and make your best offers to these people.
That's really it. No big mysteries, so secrets. Just do it daily.
Don't be a victim in this game, make sure you get the right knowledge from the start...
Here's a list of high ranking articles...
Here's a list of high ranking social networks...
Banners are most typically effective next to written text and articles and can be added as a sidebar widget on your blog! You'll also get high click-throughs when placed on thank-you pages, download pages and anywhere else in a sequence of events. Try to avoid placing too many banners on one page as it will distract and put off your visitors.
Link to our site every time you have any related content.
If for example you're selling a low-priced course $10 on the WSO , add a banner to your download page and treat is as a 'bonus' for your customers.
If for example you're giving away a free report on how to get traffic with Twitter, Social Bookmarking, Articles, etc. (just Google 'traffic plr') you can add a link at the footer of every page to Trafftastic through your affiliate link. Your link will say something like... 'FREE Video Reveals 24 Hour Traffic Plan... https://www...'
You can also use this technique to add a bonus section to your free or paid report. Add a 'bonus' advertisement just after the front page or after the disclaimer, and add another at the end of your report and link to your affiliate link!
Create a sales letter for your paid report and then offer Master Resell Rights to it! Get resellers spreading your affiliate link for you! Want to take it a step further?... Offer branding rights so they can customize some of the links and pages inside your product (except your affiliate link).
Do you already own a membership site?... Then add a graphic to your login and logout pages! You can make money just placing a banner and completely forgetting about it!
Do you already have a squeeze page where you're collecting new leads every day?... Then add a graphic to your thank you page or confirmation page! Your new subscribers are ACTIVE and have just filled in their details - they're most certainly going to click an attractive banner!
Thank you in advance for your effort in promoting this offer!
We seriously look forward to sending payments to your PayPal account!
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